
嘗試GolangGUI-WebView·安裝WebView·入門·範例·分析·相關文章·參考資料.,TheWebUIlibraryiswritteninpureCandcanbeusedbymanydifferentprogramminglanguages,whereGoisoneoption.Hereisatestdrive ...,精简的WEB前端模块化工具,UI引擎可以充分的发挥HTML“语义化”的...。參考影片的文章的如下:


嘗試Golang GUI - WebView

嘗試Golang GUI - WebView · 安裝WebView · 入門 · 範例 · 分析 · 相關文章 · 參考資料.

Go and WebUI

The WebUI library is written in pure C and can be used by many different programming languages, where Go is one option. Here is a test drive ...

Go - WebUI组件框架- 开源软件

精简的WEB前端模块化工具,UI 引擎可以充分的发挥HTML“语义化”的思想,把开发人员的思想有效的转化为代码。 Go WebUI组件/框架 Apache-2.0. 12 39 3 · gqlengine/chatbox.

webui-devgo-webui: Use any web browser as GUI, with Go ...

A tiny static/dynamic library to run any installed web browser and use it as GUI, which makes your program small, fast, and portable.

srfirouziwebui: simple modern gui

A tiny cross-platform webui library for C/Golang to build modern cross-platform GUIs. This fork from webview. It supports two-way JavaScript bindings.


All it needs is a web browser. WebUI supports many popular programming languages, such as C/C++, Python, Go, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, and more...

interface | 使用Golang 打造Web 應用程式

Go 語言裡面設計最精妙的應該算interface,它讓物件導向,內容組織實現非常的方便,當你看完這一章,你就會被interface 的巧妙設計所折服。

Painless Web UI development in Go, and can also be other languages

A demo · Building Web-based UI in Go, with less code. · Use custom UI libraries. · Use back-end data in UI, no matter static, dynamic, or real- ...

What do you guys use for web ui development? : rgolang

What ui framework, library, patterns made most sense to you when developing web uis for very complex applications?


嘗試GolangGUI-WebView·安裝WebView·入門·範例·分析·相關文章·參考資料.,TheWebUIlibraryiswritteninpureCandcanbeusedbymanydifferentprogramminglanguages,whereGoisoneoption.Hereisatestdrive ...,精简的WEB前端模块化工具,UI引擎可以充分的发挥HTML“语义化”的思想,把开发人员的思想有效的转化为代码。GoWebUI组件/框架Apache-2.0.12393·gqlengine/chatbox.,Atinystatic/dynamiclibrarytorunanyinstalledwebbrowserandus...
